Mike Sehl

12/28/2010 – I attended Belknap College during the scholastic years September 1964 through May 1966. I attended the Southeast Asian War Games in the Republic of South Viet Nam during the period of October 1968 through the middle of February 1969 when I was brought home on emergency leave due to illness in my family. I was a military police officer, provost marshall investigator and finally assigned to a security guard company at Long Binh from October 1968 to the end of February 1969. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas of 1968 as well as my first wedding anniversary in Viet Nam. I first saw John Wayne in Green Beret outdoors in my company area at Long Binh. We all laughed at it.



In my first semester at Belknap, one of my roommates ended the semester (with a 4.0) average by leaving school and joining the marine corps. Later, he became a professor at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Another friend of mine from my second year in Center Harbor left school and joined the Navy – He was wounded in Viet Nam, I have lost track of him over time. A girl friend of mine in my second year evidently joined the Army as I was sitting in my office at Redstone Arsenal Alabama, having a morning cup of coffee while reading the Army Newspaper Stars and Stripes. I turned a page and there she was “WAC of the Week”. The last I knew is that she lives back in Laconia. Mike (Yes I actually served in our Army) Sehl

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