Belknap College 2007 Reunion Week-end.
Friday evening Oct.26th: The Canoe 232 Whittier Highway, RT 25, Center Harbor 8:00 p.m.. Cash Bar, cheese & crackers.
Saturday Oct 27th: Coe House 2-4 p.m. Social. Cash Bar-cheese & crackers
Sat. 6 p.m.- close at The Mug… @ 8:00p.m.
PLEASE POST YOUR PICTURES AND A SHORT DESCRIPTION BELOW THESE LINES If you can’t figure out how to post them, e-mail them to and I will help… or call me – 941-456-3034.

The Group Photo at the Mug, Saturday evening, Oct 27, 2007. Photo by Joe Kaiser
Anyone wishing a high resolution copy so you can print it out, just e-mail and I’ll send it. If you can’t print it yourself, let me know and I’ll print a copy and mail it to you.

This is the way most of us remember Joe Kaiser from the weekend….

The Canoe – Oct. 26, 2007

The Mug – Oct. 27, 2007

Ed Meskys

Doug & Judy

Steve Zsiray, Nina Costa Gardner, Dick Gardner, Doug Johnson

Let’s get this picture together!

Peter and Tony

John L.

Rod Weinberg

Linda Weinberg


Stanley Mayer

Benay Mayer, Stan’s lovely wife

Elizabeth, Gayle, and Jim

Nichole Maher and Jan Sterling

Peter and Noelle




Bob Z, Lee Pappas and Sherry Molberg Dixon with Richard behind…. and Ronny Ulm…

Hey Ed, did you drop your fork?

Henry, Mick, Pam and John






Greg and Jim
Page 2 of photos and memories from the reunion, October, 2007…
Click here so you can see many more pix of the reunion on Henry Scarfo’s home page:

Friday night at The Canoe

Friday night at The Canoe

Friday night at The Canoe – Rondi, Rodney, and Sally

Friday night – Hey Frank, what ya doing

Friday night at The Canoe – Mona and Judy with Linda

Friday night at The Canoe Dianne Kline

Friday night at The Canoe – Priceless!!

Friday night at The Canoe – Mona and Nina

Friday night at The Canoe – Judy and Doug

Friday night at The Canoe – Sally, Tom, and Noelle

Friday night Rondi, Chip, and John

Sally and Rondi with their favorite teacher Nancy Jane Jackson Duncan

This was propped up outside the door of Coe House Inn for our afternoon get together. I hope that this sign is kept safe!

Sorry Chip but I had to put this up there – Chip and Jennifer at Coe House Inn Saturday afternoon.

Sally and Rondi in the Cupola at Coe House Inn Saturday afternoon.

My 2 favorite biology teachers of all time – Mr. Weinberg and Miss Jackson.

Saturday night at The Mug – Tony and Rondi

Saturday night – Ok – now here is a great opp for a creative caption!!!

Saturday night at The Mug – Gayle, Elizabeth, and Debra

Noelle, Frank, Nicole, Jan, Anita

Debbie, Noelle, Elizabeth

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