MORE MEMORIES … post your thoughts and photos below

Joe Kaiser and Halleck Brenden perform with the Jug Band

Baker House

Ted Nichols, South Beach restaurant, Boca Grande

Ted Nichols and John Bradigan celebrate at Red Sox spring training

The Big House, Halleck Brenden’s place on Lake Shore Drive

Bradigan, Mulligan, Nichols and Jeff Winner, camping at Beedee Falls

Sandwich Fair: Debby Marlin, Bill Sjostedt, Gayle DeSimone


Back: Jim Mulligan, Noelle Martin, Diane Kamercia, Duke Kline, Bob Lorbeer
Front: Jim Cummings, Esther Lorbeer, Gayle DeSimone

Ray Tartakoff, Greg Hausch and Charleen O’Coin

Gayle DeSimone and Rondi Woods with Alice

Gayle DeSimone and Noelle Martin Beinish

Claudia,Peter,Annie Lep,Russell,Rondi

Rondi Woods, Noelle Martin, Gayle DeSimone-Student Teaching

Debra Regan, Jim Mulligan, Noelle Martin, Bob and Esther Lorbeer
Little Squam

Deb Marlin, Noelle Martin, Gayle DeSimone, Franconia

Martha’s Vineyard

1st reunion-Ron Magdich,Rondi Woods, Liz O’Shea, Noelle Martin


Duke and Diane Kline, Ed Clancy, Daryl Messina, Gayle DeSimone, Diane and Bill Sjostedt

Con Fullam

Mill Falls, the site of the old Asbestos Factory in Meredith where many Belknap students worked their way through college.
Does anyone remember who put Dean Gardner’s Saab on blocks while he was at Nina’s house in 1970?

Joe Ferraiolo, Joe Tutrone and Dennis Frasca

Woody Halsey, Chase Halsey and his wife Kate at the Marine Ball, Honolulu, HI 11-10-2005

1969 Soccer Team

Hill Players

The 1923 Boston Red Sox…or the 1965 Belknap College Baseball Team
Left to Right Front Row: Rip Henley, 3B; Drew Cochrane, RF; Nick Gabriel, P; Ken Mitchell, IF, George Monaghan, C; Russel Newberry, P; Nat Horn, OF; Jack Schafitt, CF; Second Row L-R: Bob Lamprey, coach; Tom Greges, OF; Larry Smith, 2B; Ralph Bowley, 2B; Bob Trefsger, SS; Richard Skabel, OF; Richard Massimilla, OF; Julian Lavers, C; Glen Bennett, LF; Jerry Bell, 1B; Albert Rice, Athletic Director. Bruce Burrows, P was absent.

New Hampshire… the only place with six seasons a year!

Sally Whalen, Chip Worthington, Mike Love, Bob Hormell

Bob Hormell and John Ekdahl

(Back) Mick Terrone, Bud McKiernan,
(Mid) Kathi Emery
(Front) Suzanne (Rattigan) Trefsger, Jeanne Ann Karfo, Kelsey (Kathi’s daughter). Paula (Richmond) Adriance

(Back)John Ekdahl, Vlad Wilhousky, Mick Terrone, Chip Worthington, Roger Rice, Bud McKiernan, Tom Whalen,
(Front) Jeanne Ann Karfo, Mike Love, Kelsey, Kathi, Florence Henderson

Dick and Linda Massimilla

Dr. Virginia Brigham-Frye

Linda Massimilla pouring something on Jay Lavers. Drew Cochrane thinks it’s pretty funny!

Sherry Moulburg and Maureen Taylor

Rod Pahl, Becky Learned

Jeanne Ann Karfo and Vlad Wilhousky
Who are the Belknap people in the following photos? How many can you name? Post your answers on the Message Board… Use the label to identify the picture… for instance, Group1050 or BBall01…
OK… Begin…



Mick Terrone Identifying BBall 11: The 1967-68 Huskies
Front row: Vlad Wilhousky, Marshall Freidus, George James, Dean Goodale, John Ekdahl and I don’t know the last fellow.
Back row: Mike Goll, Dick Massimilla, Mark Blye, Ronnie Haven, Don’t know #15, Mick Terrone, Mike Lafferty.
Missing are: Coach Les Childs and Bill Alexson (team’s leading scorer, rebounder and dancer).

Founders’ Hall 01: Tony Livingston

Rich Hines, Gail Mullen, Faye Golder

(Back, shades) Steve Rhodes, (Far right) Ken Samuels & son

Left: Jay Lavers ’68, Gene McCaffrey ’68, Rose Lavers and Judy McCaffrey

Identifying GRP06 – Noelle Beinish – Don’t know, don’t know, Susan and Will Cabel

”’Greens For Graduation” photos courtesy of Woody Halsey

Andy Massamilla and Michael Arnold Moneagle (Mogie)

Belknap College Fire Truck

The Gang

A Class Meeting

George Wright, Steve Tronic and wife Judy Merino

Greens For Graduation gathering

Greens For Graduation – Watching the fun…

More fun at Greens For Graduation

The Log – Greens For Graduation

Now that is a dedicated Belknap Co-ed, Linda Minor

Jim Sutherland talks with students…

Joe Tutrone at the Green Monster… OK, the Great Wall of China…

Judy Karr and Anita Marks, 8/2006

Dane and Kahle Houses. The Volvo I believe belonged to Lee Pappas.
And I think that’s me going to Minnie’s store. Gene McCaffrey

Mr. Edward Meskys, Prof. Physics

Jim Neufell

Spider – Paul’s Diner in Laconia…
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