April 7, 2011

April 7, 2011 – I happened to go onto the New Hampshire Music Festival website the other day, and I read that they have put their Center Harbor location up for sale. That of couse was Founders Hall when we all went to Belknap. The price for the buildings and land was appraised by Coldwater-Banker at $1,690,000. Too bad we don’t have a philanthropist who is a grad of Belknap who could buy it and we could donate it to the Town, so that it could never be used to subdivide for housing. Last October when we had the Reunion and Dedication, Mike Sehl, his wife Suzanne and I took a ride up to the Hill and I noticed that Founders Hall needs a lot of repair work on the exterior, we were not able to get inside. The exterior panelling under the small classroom window on the 1st floor was rotting out and it is apparent that the NHMF did not take care of the property. What a wonderful view that it still has. You can see Red Hill and Little Squam from standing on the concrete landing in front. I guess things have to change, but it is a shame really. Gene ’68.

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